Leonardo Aidan Turner Fans

Hi Frank, 

How are you?

First, it was a blast to watch your videos of RTS NW Masterclass. So interesting and and so informative. You are a great professional who has brought a lot to aspiring screenwriters and producers.

And of course, I'm waiting, as are all the members of my group AIDAN TURNER FANS FRANCE, for some news about Leonardo. We know the cast are hard at work on ADR, and it's starting to look good for an airing of the show in 2021. In this troubled world where audiovisual creation is so disrupted, your series is like a lighthouse we follow from France.
When will we have other images to discover Frank? We are so impatient!
Thank you for all the wonderful work and take good care of yourself!
Thank you so much, Claire. We are indeed hard at work in post-production and can't wait to share the series with you. I hope and expect we'll be able to share more images with you very soon!


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