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 Hi Frank!

After reading your nice words in response to my email on your website, I would like to send you these lines to ensure the support of all members of our Facebook group dedicated to Aidan Turner.

I created the group seven months ago and we are a few hundred to discuss his characters, his projects, analyze filmography and look forward to news of his new roles.

Personally, I am dazzled by his work and I already know that Leonardo will fit him like a glove!

Thanks to my experience as a filmmaker, I put a different perspective on the actor and the group stands out from others on Facebook thanks to an ethics that excludes his private life from our publications.

Look forward to November 9 in Paris, and the visit of the Leonardo da Vinci Exhibition at the Louvre Museum, and the dinner between Aidan admirers I organized in a restaurant in the Place de la République, to gather the most dedicated of his French fans.

I would be delighted to receive a small sign from you on this occasion, which I would pass on to my members who are in full discovery of the Medici to prepare for Leonardo!

Thank you again for your choice and look forward to discovering the rest of the cast of the series.

Have a good week and enjoy your fabulous job, which I miss so much.



Claire, it's my pleasure to send you and all of Aidan's fans my best wishes. We are so excited to start working with him!


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